Third poll in a week ‘shows Brexit is putting Union at risk’

Pollster says 52% Yes vote shows consistent increase in support for Home Rule and rejoining EU

One of the UK’s leading pollsters has warned that Brexit has put the union at risk after another survey showed a lead for Scottish independence.

Sir John Curtice, of the University of Strathclyde, said the poll by Panelbase putting the Yes vote at 52% confirmed a consistent trend that shows increase in support for independence, post-Brexit.

Three polls in the past five days had put the Yes vote at 50% or higher. “The pursuit of Brexit is putting support for the union at risk, that’s the very clear lesson,” Curtice said.

A Survation poll showed an even 50/50 split between yes and no, following a poll by YouGov putting the yes vote at 51%, now Panelbase is showing support at 52%.

Matters were not helped when last night, all of Scotland's MPs were barred from voting on an NHS bill in the UK Parliament, a bill that has direct consequences for the Scottish health budget

They were rather patronisingly told that this was indeed the United Kingdom parliament, but that only MPs representing English constituencies had the competence to vote on a bill that will have direct impact on the budgets of Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish health services

MPs from Scotland and Wales were up in arms about it but the story was buried by the BBC and ITV, as with Scottish  newspapers


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