80,000 brave weather to demand Scottish independence

Thousands of Scots braved harsh weather conditions today in order to send a warning to London not to try and block Scotland's bid for independence

Marchers set off from Kelvingrove Park late this morning and wound their way through the city centre's streets, amid a sea of blue and white Scotland flags

Local businesses enjoyed an upsurge in trade with Police Scotland reporting no trouble

The British government are expected to continue telling Scots that they will not allow them an independence vote as they set about taking the country out of the European Union despite a large majority of Scottish voters opting to Remain

Both Scotland and Northern Ireland voted overwhelmingly to stay part of Europe but England and Wales wanted to leave, so every nation and region in the UK must go

Even if Wales wanted to stay, the votes in England are so numerous that almost everything people in the Celtic nations vote for is overlooked or ignored, except if the people in those territories happen to vote in the same way as England, then and only then will they get what they vote for

People in England have never had to suffer the choices made by voters in Scotland, but people right across Scotland have always had to endure what the English vote for, even if it's something the Scots are dead set against, like leaving the European family of nations (EU). This unfair democratic imbalance is one of the main drivers behind the bid for Scottish independence 


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